Wine Estate

Excellent wines, in harmony with nature - that is our goal

In the midst of Wagram, a gently sloping and at the same time very powerful terrain step that gives the landscapre its name, runs our family a vinery with passion, idealism and innovation in the third generation. The Wagram offers ideal conditions for viticulture. It was created by glacial winds on the ancient rock base of the Danube and consists of layers of loess up tu 20 meters high. This well-penetable soil allows the roots of the vins to absorb water and nutrients even from great depths. Together with the influence of the Pannonian climate, Wagram offers perfekt conditions for unique and characterful wines with fine spice and the typical creaminess. This applies not only to Grüner Veltliner, but to Roter Veltliner, which enjoys a long tradition on the Wagram.

Our work is done hand in hand in harmony with nature and our tradition. We are a both certified organic and sustainable winery. Therefore, we completly dispense with herbicides and insecticides and are committed to biodiversity and the responsible use natural resources.

The vinyards are the core of our family business. With dedication and decades of experience, the wine quality is growing here. In order to achieve the highest qualities, we do strict yield limitation and meticulous foiage work in the vineyard. The harvest is carried out exclusively by hand in several selective harvesting procedures. As a result, only healthy and physiologically optimally mature grapes get into the cellar. In the cellar, we combine traditional processes with the latest findings, as well and thus, continue our philosophy in the processing of the grapes.

The bottling of the wines takes place after the development of an optimal fruit aroma. Our single-vineyard wines may mature in large wooden borrels for up to one year and our red wines in barrels for up to two years.